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Links to Lyric Videos
for Worship & Celebration

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Home Hymns Short Youth Xmas
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Lyric Videos - Youth Worship

  1. (Blank Screen)
  2. Champion (Bethel Music / Dante Bowe, with motions)
  3. God Is So Good (Allstar Kids Club)
  4. Fruit of the Spirit (Uncle Charlie)
  5. Waves of Mercy (Hillsong Kids / Victory Church)

This site is still growing!
Please check back in the future for more songs.

For free lyrics, slides, and sheet music (with guitar chords) for copyright-free songs and hymns, please visit:

Want to know more about the unseen realm? For free eBooks about spiritual things, go to:

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Home Hymns Short Youth Xmas
"Freely you have received, freely give."