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Links to Lyric Videos
for Worship & Celebration

Home Hymns Short Youth Xmas
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Lyric Videos - Hymns

  1. (Blank Screen)
  2. Amazing Grace (
  3. Amazing Grace (Chris Tomlin)
  4. Be Thou My Vision (Reawaken Hymns)
  5. Christ Is Mine Forevermore (CityAlight)
  6. Holy, Holy, Holy (Norton Hall Band)
  7. Holy, Holy, Holy (Shane and Shane, live video)
  8. How Deep the Fathers Love for Us (Stuart Townend)
  9. How Firm A Foundation (Norton Hall Band)
  10. I Surrender All (Journey Worship Co.)
  11. In Christ Alone (Keith & Kristyn Getty)
  12. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (Collin Raye)
  13. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (piano only, with lyrics)
  14. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (Reawaken Hymns)
  15. My Faith Has Found a Resting Place (Mark Miller)
  16. My Jesus I Love Thee (The Worship Initiative)
  17. My Hope Is Built (Norton Hall Band)
  18. Shall We Gather at the River (Robert Lowry, Canaan Melodies)
  19. Take My Life and Let It Be (Brian Doerksen)
  20. Take My Life and Let It Be (Norton Hall Band)
  21. Take My Life and Let It Be (Reawaken Hymns)
  22. The Church's One Foundation (Norton Hall Band)
  23. There Is a Fountain(Norton Hall Band)
  24. This World Is Not My Home (Ricky Skaggs)
  25. 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus (Casting Crowns)
  26. 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus (Casting Crowns)
  27. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Rio Rico)
  28. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Chris Tomlin)
  29. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Reawaken Hymns)
. . . . . . . .
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Home Hymns Short Youth Xmas
"Freely you have received, freely give."